Medical excellence every day!

Your family polyclinic!

0% Quality
0 Patients per year
0 employee
0 Years of experience in medical practice
0 Years of experience as Lysimedus

Your family polyclinic!

Medical Specialists

Hoara Madalina

Hoara Madalina

Medical Recovery Specialist
Ciobanu Cristian

Ciobanu Cristian

Primary Physician Radiology and Medical Imaging
Mihaela Paunescu

Mihaela Paunescu

Primary Physician Radiology and Medical Imaging
Ciulinca Andreea

Ciulinca Andreea

Primary Physician Radiology and Medical Imaging

Frequent questions

If you want more information, contact us by email

Yes, appointments are accepted both for insured patients (with referral and insurance card) and for uninsured patients (for a fee).

Yes, you need a consultation appointment (along with referral and insurance card) to be issued a compensated prescription.